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Purple Patch has recently given a client a Return on Investment of 1752%, awesome, if we do say so ourselves!

News: Astonishing 1752% ROI for Bid Writing Client

Purple Patch Marketing Consultants has hit the ground running in 2018, achieving an amazing Return on Investment of 1752% for a bid writing client.

Results for the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s annual Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) were announced last week. Purple Patch’s client is a chartered building surveying and architectural practice, with a heavy presence within the education sector. The practice works with academy schools across the South of England, with CIF providing the means for the schools to undertake major repair and refurbishment works.

The process requires the practice to create detailed bid submissions providing strong justification for the works. The proposed schemes must also be outlined in detail, with corresponding costs and programmes of work. Purple Patch Marketing Consultants provide bid writing services for this client through the bid process, ensuring that bids are managed and written to ensure that academies have the edge in an incredibly competitive market. In 2018 works amounting to £1.3 billion were applied for by academies, with funding of only £514 million available.

This year’s CIF round was the fourth successive year that Purple Patch Marketing Consultants have supported this client. During that time, the client has seen successes from this source of funding rise from £4 million to over £26 million each year!

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